The blog

Martin Malzahn Martin Malzahn

A Mystic Blessing

Wednesday February 12 is the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday. The Jersey City Lincoln Association—the oldest continuously celebrating organization in the country—has commemorated every birthday since his death in 1865. They have asked me to offer a blessing.

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Martin Malzahn Martin Malzahn

Gates, bridges, and the power of art

There have been 47 American Presidents; but just 6 poems read at their inaugurations.

We’re going to need more poems.

Otherwise, it’s politics, or current events, or the weather that’s driving what we hear and see…that’s not beauty that we are in the presence of—it’s something else.

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Martin Malzahn Martin Malzahn

Do Better

This moment, the one Jesus speaks of, “today in your hearing” is going to require us to draw from the wells of the deepest spirituality.

Hurt people hurt people.

Healed people help people.

Most people have unprocessed trauma.

So laugh, yup, and get to work….

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Martin Malzahn Martin Malzahn

Everyday Prayers

“May you live as long as you want;

and not want for as long as you live.”

~an Irish toast

Bread, cinnamon, eggs, and maple syrup.

~French toast.

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Martin Malzahn Martin Malzahn

A pen is an antenna to God

“People have an idea that the preacher is an actor on a stage and they are the critics, blaming or praising him. What they don’t know is that they are the actors on the stage; the preacher is merely the prompter standing in the wings, reminding them of their lost lines.” -Søren Kierkegaard

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